Hola! The 2018 Chase Zen Ecuador trip is off to a great start. I'm Mimi and I'm with my two cousins Aileen and Camily, my sister Abi, and friend Courtney. It's currently 12:20 am and we are posted up in the beautiful, “4 star” Quito airport as we await our 5:40 am flight to Loja. It’s been a busy day of travel—as we look back in awe that just yesterday morning we woke up in our own beds in Tampa, Florida! We were then fortunate enough to relax and kill some time in the Fort Lauderdale sunshine before checking in for our first flight. We even saw the crazy South Florida sight of wild iguanas roaming the sidewalks! Now, our excitement for the coming weeks continues to grow. We cannot wait to keep our adventure going!
